Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow on February 2 and dashed back into his burrow, so we can expect the polar vortex to be visiting us for six more weeks of winter. Can't go south to chase the warmer temps? Wondering how to entertain yourself during six more weeks of winter? I have a one-two combination suggestion.
PART ONE: According to Project Gutenberg, to hurkill or hurkle is a verb meaning to draw the body together or to be contracted in folds. According to The Dictionaries of the Scots Language, when hurkle is combined with durkle, the result is a lovely condition described as "to lie in bed when one should be up and about." An 1825 poem gives an example of how to use the word. (Have fun reading aloud with a Scottish brogue.) Lang after peeping greke o' day, In hurkle-durkle Habbie lay. Gae tae ye'r wark, ye dernan murkle, And ly nae there in hurkle-durkle. Being a night owl and a late sleeper, I just had to try this hurkle-durkle thing. Upon waking up the other morning and peeking at the 1 degree temperature reported on my iPhone weather app, I gave myself permission to try it. I snuggled down between my flannel sheets and under my cozy duvet. À la Project Gutenberg’s definition, I contracted my body in folds...aka curled up. The goal is not to go back to sleep, but to experience extended lounging-about guilt-free. How luxurious.... How relaxing.... No pressure to leap out of bed. PART TWO: I didn't want to be called a "dernan murkle," so not "lang" after a delightfully cozy respite, I did leap out of bed, enjoyed a cup of freshly ground coffee and a toasted cinnamon raisin bagel, popped on my winter layers, and headed over to Topsmead to choose a trail for a walkabout. Miss Edith Morton Chase, who regularly started her day at Topsmead with a walk, was also a late sleeper. Despite the stiff horsehair mattresses that she insisted on because she believed that sleeping on them encouraged good posture, I like to imagine her enjoying some hurkle durkle mornings. And for sure, she was no "dernan murkle"! In our current national and global environment, when each day's events are coming fast and furious, we can all surely use a way to gift ourselves with a calm interlude followed by the equanimity to meet each day. So let's all hurkle-durkle! Margaret Hunt BlogMistress
February 2025